Irish Women Lawyers Association admits former US ambassador to the UN as honorary member

Sarah Power
The Irish Women Lawyers Association (IWLA) has welcomed Sarah Power, a former US ambassador to the UN, as an honorary member.
The association’s committee invited Ms Power to become an honorary member in recognition of “her incredible career to date and continued commitment to the pursuit of justice and human rights, not to mention her Irish roots”.
Ms Power is the current Anna Lindh professor of the practice of global leadership and public policy at Harvard Kennedy School and William D. Zabel ‘61 professor of practice in human rights at Harvard Law School.
From 2013 to 2017, she served as the 28th US permanent representative to the UN, as well as a member of President Obama’s cabinet. Prior to this, she worked as a special assistant to the president.
In a statement, the IWLA said: “The IWLA is very proud to have Ambassador Power as an honorary member and hope to have the privilege of presenting her with this membership at a future date in Dublin.”