John Gaffney to co-chair European Law Institute SIG

John Gaffney
Beauchamps partner John Gaffney has been appointed as a co-chair of the European Law Institute’s dispute resolution special interest group.
Mr Gaffney, a partner in the EU and competition and ESG teams at Beauchamps, will chair the SIG alongside Professor Dr Ana Keglevic and Professor Dr Maud Piers.
The ELI Dispute Resolution SIG assesses themes such as:
- investor-state dispute settlement (ISDS);
- the relationship between domestic courts and ISDS tribunals;
- the improvement of the establishment and functioning of arbitral tribunals;
- requirements for arbitrators;
- appellate mechanisms;
- the experience of other similar bodies with a hybrid structure;
- and the mechanisms of the World Trade Organisation (WTO), EU-Canada Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA), the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law (UNCITRAL) and the Iran–US Claims Tribunal.
Mr Gaffney said: “The ELI Dispute Resolution SIG is, together with other SIGs, a core part of ELI’s structure, providing subject-based expertise and progressive ideas for future developments in the law.
“Together with my co-chairs, I look forward monitoring and scrutinizing, and drawing the attention of the ELI executive committee to, pertinent developments in dispute resolution, providing an active forum for debate by ELI members in the area of dispute resolution, and where appropriate developing project proposals.”