Justice Media Awards 2025 open for entries

Justice Media Awards 2025 open for entries

Entries for the Law Society of Ireland’s Justice Media Awards 2025 are now open.

This year’s awards ceremony will take place at Blackhall Place on Thursday 19 June 2025. 

The awards recognise outstanding print and broadcast journalism that contributes to the public’s understanding of justice, the legal system, and legal issues. The awards are the longest continuously running media awards in Ireland.

Last year the awards received a record breaking 400 entries with 120 of these entries making the shortlist.

This year, a new category, print/online journalism (feature), has been introduced to recognise the quality of long-form journalism in Irish media. This category welcomes long-form articles, in-depth interviews, and investigative journalism across online and print media platforms.

There are 16 categories open for entries: 

  1.  Print/online journalism (daily)
  2. Print/online journalism (Sunday)
  3. Print/online journalism (feature)
  4. Print/online journalism (local)
  5. Broadcast journalism (radio – national)
  6. Broadcast journalism (radio – local)
  7. Broadcast journalism (podcast)
  8. Broadcast journalism (TV/video)
  9. Court reporting (print/online)
  10. Court reporting (broadcast)
  11. Human rights/social justice reporting (print/online)
  12. Human rights/social justice reporting (broadcast)
  13. Environmental law/climate justice reporting (all channels)
  14. International justice reporting (all channels)
  15. Newcomer of the year (all channels)
  16. Student journalism (all channels) 

The deadline for entries is at 5pm on Wednesday 12 March 2025. 

For the category guidelines, entry form and submission tips, see the Law Society Justice Media Awards website

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