NI: Law firm calls on DUP to advance victims’ interests

Matthew Jury
Matthew Jury

A law firm representing some victims of terrorism in Northern Ireland have called on the Democratic Unionist Party (DUP) to advance their interests in negotiations with the Conservative Party.

London-based McCue & Partners, head up by managing partner Matthew Jury, has written to the DUP to urge the party to secure “a public and formal commitment” from the Government on five key points.

They include seeking “parity of compensation” for UK victims of Libyan-sponsored terrorism with that awarded to US victims of Libyan-sponsored terrorism under the US Libya Claims Settlement Agreement, and enacting the recommendations of a report on Libyan-sponsored terrorism by Westminster’s Northern Ireland Affairs committee.

The firm also suggests building on the Conservative manifesto pledge to “address the Northern Ireland legacy imbalance in respect of prosecutions and legal claims being issued against our armed forces” by offering legal aid to victims “in order that they may hold terrorists to account where the state is unable or has failed to do so”.

In its statement, the firm said: “The shameful treatment of veterans and victims of the Troubles is inextricably intertwined and, if legacy issues in Northern Ireland are to be effectively remedied, they must be addressed in tandem.”

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