Law Society of Northern Ireland launches law tech survey

The Law Society of Northern Ireland has urged firms to complete a survey on legal technology.
The online survey, which will run until Friday 13 December, has been organised by the Law Society’s law tech working group to help it design and deliver tailored solutions to drive efficiencies and business performance in legal firms.
As well as the survey, the working group has organised a free LawtechUK Belfast event on Tuesday 26 November with partners in the technology sector.
Angela Brady, chair of the Law Society’s law tech working group, said: “Our technology landscape is changing, and the Society has a leading role to play in both driving innovation in areas of access to justice, and to support smaller firms here to better understand the systems they can adopt to improve competitiveness and enhance business performance.
“We’re excited about our partnerships which will help us deliver against our strategy. We need members to work with us and I would encourage our smaller firms to take the survey, as the more insight we have, the more tailored our support can be.”