Lawyer joined St Patrick’s Day parade first aid team

Lawyer joined St Patrick's Day parade first aid team

Pictured: Chris Chan BL (left) at the St Patrick's Day parade in Dublin yesterday.

All lawyers might brace themselves for an emergency to arise over a bank holiday weekend — but Chris Chan BL was more prepared than most.

After eight months of training as a first aid responder with St John Ambulance Ireland, Mr Chan completed his first official duty yesterday at the St Patrick’s Day parade in Dublin.

The banking and finance lawyer was stationed near O’Connell Bridge with an automated external defibrillator (AED) and a first aid kit to assist members of the public in the event of a medical emergency.

Besides giving directions to tourists, his assistance was fortunately not needed.

Mr Chan, a barrister who works in-house for AIB, is now encouraging other lawyers to consider learning life-saving skills.

Organisations like St John Ambulance Ireland can provide training, following a thorough vetting process with An Garda Síochána and a mandatory safeguarding course with Tusla.

It’s important to give back to our communities, and I can’t think of a more meaningful way than by equipping ourselves with life-saving skills and being ready to help others in times of need,” Mr Chan told Irish Legal News.

“I hope more people consider learning first aid — it’s a skill you never know when you might need, for a stranger or a loved one.”

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