Legal costs in motor insurance claims up to €112m

Legal costs in motor insurance claims rose slightly to €112 million in 2018, according to new figures from the Central Bank of Ireland.
In total, there were legal costs of €112,275,745 in 2018 in relation to 4,714 claims taken through the courts.
The figure stands slightly higher than the total legal costs of €111,402,444 in relation to 4,559 claims the year before, and substantially above the legal bill of around €92 million in 2015 and 2016.
Legal costs associated with settlements through the Personal Injuries Assessment Board (PIAB) also rose from €2 million in 2017 to €2.3 million in 2018.
Legal costs associated with direct settlements rose from €10.9 million in 2017 to €13 million in 2018.
The figures are included in a new annex to an earlier report from the National Claims Information Database (NCID).