Legal Practitioners Disciplinary Tribunal decisions now published

The outcome of inquiries held by the new Legal Practitioners Disciplinary Tribunal (LPDT) are now being published online.
The tribunal, which examines complaints of misconduct referred by the Legal Services Regulatory Authority (LSRA) and the Law Society of Ireland, began holding hearings in mid-2023.
Determinations by the tribunal in 13 cases can now be found on the LPDT’s website.
Section 88 of Legal Services Regulation Act 2015 requires the LSRA to arrange for the publication of matters determined by the LPDT when the time for lodging an appeal has expired.
The LSRA has adopted and published a “publication policy” which is linked to the severity of sanction imposed.
Where an order includes a sanction to strike a legal practitioner’s name off the roll of solicitors or the roll of practising barristers, the notice will remain published indefinitely.
Where an order includes a sanction to suspend a legal practitioner from practising as a legal practitioner, the notice will be published for the duration of the period of suspension or three years — whichever is longer.
Where an order includes a sanction to impose a condition or conditions on a legal practitioner, the notice will be published for a period of three years, or the duration of time specified in the order — whichever is longer.
Other notices relating to misconduct will be published for a period of three years.