Liam Herrick to become Irish Council for Civil Liberties executive director

The Irish Council for Civil Liberties (ICCL) has announced that its next Executive Director will be Liam Herrick, currently Advisor to President Michael D Higgins and previously Executive Director of the Irish Penal Reform Trust (IPRT).
ICCL Co-Chairperson Mr Niall Mulligan said: “On behalf of the Board of the ICCL we are very pleased to have Liam Herrick join the team. Liam brings with him a wealth of experience working within the human rights and equality sector. We have no doubt that the organisation will continue to flourish under his leadership and we look forward to working with him over the coming years.”
Mr Herrick will take up his appointment as the ICCL’s new Executive Director in November 2016. The ICCL’s outgoing Executive Director, Mr Mark Kelly, will remain in position until Mr Herrick’s appointment becomes effective.
Prior to his appointment as the President’s Advisor in February 2014, Mr Herrick was Executive Director of the Irish Penal Reform Trust (IPRT) for seven years. Previously, he was the first head of legislation and policy at the former Irish Human Rights Commission and has worked with the Irish Council for Civil Liberties, the Law Reform Commission and the Department of Foreign Affairs.
He is a member of the Irish Human Rights and Equality Commission(IHREC), a former Board member of the Children’s Rights Alliance and the Minister for Justice and Equality’s Strategic Review Group on Penal Policy (2012-2014).
He graduated from University College Cork with a BCL and LLM and from University College Dublin with a Diploma in Human Rights Law.