Lord Trimble obituaries

UK, US and Irish newspapers have published obituaries of Lord Trimble, the former law lecturer, barrister, first minister and Ulster Unionist Party (UUP) leader who died on Monday at the age of 77.
“It had been that violence [of the early Troubles], beginning with internment in August 1971, that had first brought Trimble out of Queen’s University, Belfast, where he was a lecturer and dean of the law faculty, and into politics,” writes Anne McHardy in The Guardian’s obituary.
Gerry Moriarty, in The Irish Times, notes: “In a line that appeared chiefly directed at the IRA and Sinn Féin he said: ‘Just because you have a past doesn’t mean you can’t have a future.’ This was a generous comment from a unionist who had lived through 28 years of Troubles violence and who was close on hand when the IRA murdered his friend, UUP colleague and fellow law-lecturer Edgar Graham in the grounds of Queen’s University in 1983.”
The Times describes Lord Trimble as “at heart a lawyer and a scholar”. On jointly winning the Nobel Peace Prize with John Hume in 1998, it says: “Trimble was asleep in a hotel in Denver when the call came through telling him of the prize. He thought it premature.”