Mason Hayes & Curran commits up to €50k to UNICEF vaccination campaign

MHC managing partner Declan Black
Business law firm Mason Hayes & Curran LLP will donate up to €50,000 in support of UNICEF’s “Get a Vaccine, Give a Vaccine” campaign, which aims to deliver two billion Covid-19 vaccines to the most vulnerable and at-risk populations around the world.
The initiative ties the vaccination of MHC staff to their donation – the more staff who are vaccinated, the more the firm will donate. So far, the firm has pledged to donate €25,000 and this number could grow up to €50,000.
According to the firm, “the vast majority of staff in Mason Hayes & Curran LLP have benefited from vaccination”.
Managing partner Declan Black said: “We are among the privileged minority who can work from relatively comfortable and safe homes and have had early and easy access to vaccines.
“We want to be part of eradicating Covid-19 around the world, so we are pleased to support UNICEF’s ‘Get a Vaccine, Give a Vaccine’ campaign. It is also nice for our staff to see that the more MHC folk that are vaccinated, the more the firm contributes to the global effort.”