McEntee reaffirms government’s commitment to police reform

Justice Minister Helen McEntee has reaffirmed the new government’s commitment to implementing the recommendations of the Commission on the Future of Policing in Ireland.
The commission, chaired by Kathleen O’Toole, former chief inspector of the Garda Inspectorate, issued its final report nearly two years ago.
It included a number of major recommendations, including that all prosecution decisions should be “taken away from the police and given to an expanded state solicitor or national prosecution service”.
Speaking after her first meeting with Garda Commissioner Drew Harris yesterday, Ms McEntee said: “I have always been enormously proud of An Garda Síochána and, in particular, the strong relationship which the organisation has with local communities all across the State.
“The outstanding response to date of gardaí to the COVID-19 pandemic has been built on the foundation of community policing which has not only characterised the organisation since its foundation, but will be the driving ethos of our police service into the future.”
She added: “An Garda Síochána will celebrate 100 proud years of serving the people of Ireland in 2022.
“The report of the Commission on the Future of Policing in Ireland lays out the roadmap for strengthening the organisation for its next 100 years and gives us a clear vision of a modern and effective policing service, with human rights as its foundation and community safety at its heart.
“I have assured the Commissioner this morning of my complete support for the work already underway and the priority which I am placing on implementing the report. I look forward to working closely with him over the coming years.”