New anthology of prose and poetry by lawyers aims to raise charity cash

Cork lawyer Danielle McLaughlin has launched a new anthology of prose and poetry by fellow legal professionals to raise money for charity.
Counterparts: A Synergy of Law and Literature contains 22 “pairings” of writing by contemporary Irish lawyer-writers, paired with extracts from a judgment of the writer’s choosing.
The contributions, which come from High Court judges, solicitors, law librarians, barristers and legal academics, have been assembled by Ms McLaughlin, who gave up practice as a solicitor to become a full-time author.
The late Supreme Court judge, Mr Justice Adrian Hardiman, appears in the anthology with an excerpt of his book Joyce in Court.
All profits from the sale of Counterparts will go towards homelessness charity The Peter McVerry Trust.
Printing costs were sponsored by Arthur Cox, Gartlan Furey, Lavelle Solicitors, Maples and Calder, Mason Hayes & Curran, Matheson, McCann FitzGerald, Philip Lee, Ronan Daly Jermyn and William Fry.