New book covers key legal issues for entertainment and media industry

A new book from Clarus Press covers key legal issues for entertainment and media professionals in Ireland.
Entertainment and Media Law in Ireland draws on author Simon Shire’s wealth of experience as a solicitor practising in the entertainment market to provide a comprehensive and practical guide for everyone in the sector.
The book aims to be a convenient ‘heads-up’ resource for creative practitioners and business/legal advisors alike.
Presented in straightforward language for market entrants, it simultaneously cites legislation, EU/international law and case law precedent from Ireland and a number of other common law jurisdictions for the benefit of its more industry-experienced audience.
Mr Shire is a consultant solicitor and notary public who specialises in entertainment law. A former law lecturer at the University of Limerick, he currently lectures at PulseCollege in Dublin on its postgraduate diploma/MA programme in scoring for film, TV and interactive media. Outside of his legal practice, he also acts as an executive producer on TV and film projects.