New Book of Quantum to bring consistency to personal injury awards

New Book of Quantum to bring consistency to personal injury awards

A new book of quantum, produced from research into 52,000 cases between 2013 and 2014, is to be published shortly to be used by the Injuries Board and to provide a benchmark for damages claims for the legal profession.

Insurers, who have been criticised for sharp rises in premiums, have complained of wide variations in the scale of damages awarded and are expected to welcome publication of the new guidelines.

The new book replaces a volume last updated 12 years ago and will be subject to regular revision. It will also be more detailed in describing injuries making it more useful for judges and lawyers.

The Irish Independent reports that meetings have been taking place between the Injuries Board, the Courts Service and senior judges in recent months in a bid to achieve “buy in” to the new guidelines.

Sources said it would provide more granular information, including detailed descriptions of injuries, to make it easier for judges to match what they read in a medical report with what is contained in the guide.

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