New book to set out history of Irish barristers

A new book by legal historian Dr Niamh Howlin is to set out the history of the barristers’ profession “from the turbulent twenties until the Celtic Tiger years”.
Barristers in Ireland: An Evolving Profession Since 1921, to be published by Four Courts Press in October, draws upon interviews conducted with barristers, published memoirs, records of the Bar Council and the King’s Inns, government publications and archival sources.
It looks at who the barristers were, how they worked and how they were perceived. It also examines the impact of partition, the experiences of women at the bar, and traces how the profession changed over the course of the 20th century.
The Bar of Ireland and the King’s Inns are supporting the book’s launch on 12 October 2023.
Dr Howlin is an associate professor at the Sutherland School of Law, UCD. She has published books on various aspects of Irish legal history in the 19th and 20th centuries.