New report to highlight public attitudes to leaving charitable gifts in will

New report to highlight public attitudes to leaving charitable gifts in will

An umbrella group of over 90 Irish charities is to publish polling findings on attitudes to making a will and supporting charities by including a gift.

The research will be launched on Sunday 1 September to mark the launch of My Legacy Month.

My Legacy was established in 2006 to raise awareness of legacy-giving as a sustainable, shock-proof way to support charities and benefit future society.

With over 90 Irish charity members, the group encourages legacy-giving and will-making throughout a month-long awareness campaign in September.

Niall O’Sullivan, chairperson of My Legacy, said: “It’s much-documented that, comparably, Ireland has a very low uptake in will-making which can cause unnecessary delays and stress for beneficiaries as well as issues in wider society.

“As a group that strives to grow support for charities through legacy-giving, we would like to see Government and the legal profession tackle the low level of will-making in Ireland.

“We’ve commissioned Red C to undertake polling on the barriers preventing people from making a will, and attitudes to including a gift to charity in their will.”

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