NI: New solicitor group aims to raise awareness of disability issues

NI: New solicitor group aims to raise awareness of disability issues

Over fifty members of the legal profession and representatives from community and voluntary groups attended the launch of Legally Able, a new solicitor group set up to raise awareness of disability issues amongst solicitors and their clients.

The new group was formally launched at Law Society House in Belfast by the President of the Law Society, John Guerin, who was joined by Andy Allen MLA and solicitor Laura Lee Jenkins, who chairs the new group.

Mr Guerin said: “The Law Society is delighted to launch Legally Able and we wish to take this opportunity to thank Andy Allen MLA and Laura Lee Jenkins for their support and help in launching the new group. Legally Able will provide a forum for discussion and a platform to identify issues of interest to the profession and wider community.”

The new group is open to any person who is on the Roll of Solicitors in Northern Ireland, disabled colleagues and those with experience of working with or otherwise supporting disabled colleagues, clients, family or friends or the wider community.

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