New visa requirements for South African and Botswana nationals

South Africa and Botswana are to be added to the list of countries whose nationals must obtain a visa before travelling to Ireland.
The change, which brings Irish visa requirements in line with the UK and the Schengen area, will come into effect from Wednesday 10 July but transitional arrangements will be in place for those with existing travel arrangements until 9 August.
Justice minister Helen McEntee said: “This is a carefully considered decision which will bring Ireland into closer alignment with the Schengen area in respect of both of these countries, and into line with the UK in respect of South Africa.
“Irish visa requirements are kept under ongoing review, having regard for the need to ensure that effective immigration controls are in place whilst also facilitating those who wish to travel to Ireland for the purposes of a visit, to work, to study, or to join family members.”
The move is apparently aimed at reducing asylum claims from nationals of South Africa and Botswana, the only two states on the ‘safe countries of origin’ list without visa requirements.
The Dublin visa office will establish a dedicated South Africa desk to process applications from South African nationals. The Department of Justice will also establish three visa applications centres (VACs), located throughout South Africa, with visa service provider Global VFS.
Mrs McEntee said: “The visa system is an essential part of our immigration system to determine who can travel to Ireland.
“A wide range of factors are taken in account when introducing visa requirements to ensure we can continue to facilitate travel with processes that are robust, effective, and fair.”