Northern Ireland boosting prison staff numbers in response to rising prison population

Northern Ireland boosting prison staff numbers in response to rising prison population

Dozens of new prison officers are being recruited in Northern Ireland in response to a “very steep rise” in prisoner numbers.

Northern Ireland’s prison population has increased by over 500 prisoners since July 2021 and now stands at 1,920.

“There has been a very steep rise in our prisoner population in recent years, which has been felt particularly at Maghaberry, where prisoner numbers are 1,263,” justice minister Naomi Long said.

“Fortunately, we have not reached the circumstances which are faced in other jurisdictions, however in anticipation of a further rise to the prisoner numbers here, we have readied accommodation and staffing numbers will be increased.”

An extra 75 staff members will be recruited to the Northern Ireland Prison Service.

Mrs Long said: “The decision to add to existing staffing levels is a response to the rising prisoner population, but will also ensure the Prison Service has the resources it needs to focus on keeping people in custody safe and secure, and supporting individuals in their rehabilitation and resettlement.”

She announced the move during a visit to Maghaberry, where she said staff are “doing a difficult job in support of a safer Northern Ireland”.

Beverley Wall, director general of the Northern Ireland Prison Service, said: “Despite the many challenges in our prisons, our staff continue to support and encourage prisoners through our rehabilitative programmes.

“The fact that prisons have remained stable, are not in crisis, is testament to the dedication and professionalism of everyone, including partner agencies, who are working to keep people safe and to support them to change.”

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