Northern Ireland equal pay claim ends in £305k award

John McShane
Over £300,000 has been awarded to a Caterpillar NI employee in what is believed to be one of the highest-ever individual awards for equal pay in Northern Ireland.
McCartan Turkington Breen Solicitors acted on behalf of Shona Boyle, who brought a complaint in July 2018 in respect of the differences in pay between her and three male colleagues who she alleged were undertaking the same job.
She had sought to challenge the discrepancy in pay directly with her employer, who provided a number of reasons for the difference in pay, which Ms Boyle disputed. She believed that the only reason she was being paid less was because she was female.
John McShane, assisted by Clarissa Ingham, advised Ms Boyle on the equal pay claim.
The case was heard over a number of days between November 2022 and March 2023 as a result of Covid-related delays, with Ms Boyle represented by Rachel Best KC.
The tribunal found in favour of Ms Boyle and determined that she was entitled to back pay as well as to receive the same pay and benefits as her male colleagues going forward.
The total sum awarded to Ms Boyle was £305,719, covering loss of earnings, share contributions, employer pension contributions and interest.
Mr McShane said: “We are immensely proud of Shona for standing up for what is right and for having the courage to pursue this claim.
“This ruling not only vindicates her position but also sends a powerful message that gender pay discrimination will not be tolerated. We hope this case inspires others to come forward and seek the equality they deserve.”