Oberstown review will not be published due to ‘passage of time’
Children’s Minister Dr Katherine Zappone has said a review commissioned after serious incidents including fires and rioting at Oberstown Children Detention Campus in 2016 will not be published.
Child law expert Professor Barry Goldson and former UK parole board chair Professor Nick Hardwick were commissioned to conduct the review.
Their final report is now unlikely to see the light of day in full, according to The Detail, which was also refused a copy of the report under FOI legislation.
A spokesperson for Dr Zappone told the website: “The Department is aware of the view that publication of the report is in the public interest. However, given the passage of time it is considered that it would be misleading to publish the report now, having regard to progress that has been achieved in the interim.
“The review was carried out following a particularly difficult time in Oberstown. There had been serious incidents involving young people which threatened the safety of the campus. However, we are advised by Oberstown management that the environment in Oberstown is now more stable. There is evidence of positive change in the day to day operations.”
A spokesperson for Oberstown added: “While due to legal advice it was not possible to publish the report in full, the recommendations of all reviews have been published in full, and a Review Implementation Group was established in March 2017 to consider these recommendations.
“Its work is complete and work in Oberstown is ongoing on the implementation of these recommendations, and an updated report on implementation was published earlier this year. The Oberstown three-year strategic plan also captures these recommendations and is being implemented by management and monitored by the Board.”
Judgment was handed down as recently as May in the case of several young people involved in the 2016 incidents.