Oireachtas to consider call for new HIQA power to sanction Tusla

Campaigners calling for the Health Information and Quality Authority (HIQA) to be given powers to sanction Tusla when it fails to meet its statutory obligations will give evidence to an Oireachtas committee today.
Three representatives from the Alliance of Birth Mothers Campaigning for Justice (ABC) will appear before the joint committee on public petitions and the ombudsmen when it meets at 1.30pm today.
Anna Kavanagh, convener of the group, which advocates for birth mothers whose children have been taken into State care, submitted a petition calling for the Child Care Act 1991 to be amended to allow for sanctions.
Chairperson Martin Browne said: “This petition from the Alliance of Birth Mothers Campaigning for Justice is asking the government and Oireachtas to amend Child Care Act 1991 to provide powers to sanction Tusla, the Child and Family Agency, when it fails to meet its statutory obligations to children and their families.
“The committee looks forward to discussing this petition with Ms Kavanagh and her colleagues.”
The meeting in Committee Room 4 will be streamed live on Oireachtas TV.