Paul Tweed secures apology for Ryanair from Irish Examiner
Belfast lawyer Paul Tweed has secured an apology for Ryanair from the Irish Examiner over reports about the airline’s safety record.
The High Court in Dublin heard that the newspaper was retracting the articles it published in May 2015 and would make a donation to Ryanair’s chosen charity, the Jack and Jill Children’s Foundation.
In a statement read out in court, the defendants said: “The Irish Examiner acknowledges Ryanair’s industry leading safety record and the Irish Aviation Authority’s independent confirmation that Ryanair ‘fully complies with all European and international regulations in all of its operations’, and the confirmation that Ryanair’s security standards are ‘on a par with the safest airlines in Europe’.”
Speaking after yesterday’s hearing, Mr Tweed said: “Ryanair are very satisfied with this total vindication they have received following the comprehensive retraction and apology announced before the court this morning, together with the defendants’ acknowledgement of their unsurpassed safety record spanning three decades.”