Planning and construction experts to give evidence to Oireachtas

Planners and construction industry representatives will give evidence on proposals to scrap strategic housing developments to the Oireachtas housing committee later today.
The joint Oireachtas committee on housing, local government and heritage resumes pre-legislative scrutiny of the general scheme of the Planning and Development (Amendment) (Large Scale Residential Development) Bill this afternoon.
Representatives of the Construction Industry Federation (CIF), Irish Planning Institute (IPI), Dublin Democratic Planning Alliance and City and County Management Association (CCMA) will appear virtually before the committee.
Committee cathaoirleach Steven Matthews said: “The committee welcomes this opportunity to hear the views of local authorities, planners, residents and the Irish Homes Builders Association, which is a constituent organisation of the CIF, on the general scheme of the Bill.
“The proposed legislation will replace the fast-track planning permission process introduced for strategic housing developments in 2017 to expedite housing supply and restore decision-making on large scale housing developments to the relevant local authority.
“The organisations before the committee have first-hand experience and forensic insight into the planning process pre- and post-2017. The committee looks forward to hearing their views on all elements of the proposed new legislation, including planning process timelines and the pre-application consultation process proposed.”
The meeting will take place in committee room 1 from 12.30pm and can be watched live on the Oireachtas website.