NI: Prisoners receive compensation worth £700,000

Prisoners in Northern Ireland have received compensation payouts worth over £700,000 in five years, the Belfast Telegraph reports.
More than 1,800 injury claims have been submitted since 2013 resulting in payments of £696,348, according to figures released under Freedom of Information (FOI) laws.
There have also been 160 claims for lost and damaged property, leading to payments totalling £19,148.
A spokesperson for the Northern Ireland Prison Service said: “The Prison Service receives various claims for compensation from prisoners. Each claim is dealt with individually and resolved appropriately.
“Claims in recent years by prisoners in Magilligan have largely been due to unsatisfactory sanitation in a number of accommodation areas of the prison. However, this accommodation is being upgraded to ensure it meets with the required standards.
“While compensation payments do place pressures on financial resources, every effort is made to address issues in a way which negates future claims.”