Prisons watchdog puts spotlight on Cork Prison
Ireland’s statutory prisons watchdog, the Office of the Inspectorate of Prisons (OIP), has recently completed an unannounced full inspection of Cork Prison.
The inspection, which took place from 27 March to 5 April 2023, forms part of the Inspectorate’s new programme of regular unannounced full inspections of all prisons in Ireland.
Specially-secured electronic tablets were used to allow a “significant number” of prisoners to complete an anonymous survey. Staff working in Cork Prison were also surveyed electronically. These survey results became available in real time during the inspection.
Mark Kelly, the chief inspector of prisons, said: “This unannounced full inspection of Cork Prison follows hard on the heels of our recent human rights based inspection of Mountjoy Men’s Prison and our thematic inspection of mental health provision to people living in seven Irish prisons.
“The activities of the Inspectorate will continue to ramp up, in line with our growing resources, and in partnership with other agencies.
“I am grateful to the Governor and staff of Cork Prison for their excellent cooperation during the inspection and for the positive spirit in which the prison’s management team received our preliminary findings.”
A detailed report on the inspection will now be drawn up by the Inspectorate and submitted to the justice minister, with a view to its publication under the terms of the Prisons Act 2007.