PSNI surveillance review to include policing watchdogs

PSNI surveillance review to include policing watchdogs

Angus McCullogh KC

An independent review of the PSNI’s alleged use of surveillance against journalists, lawyers and NGOs will also now include the Policing Board and Police Ombudsman.

London lawyer Angus McCullough KC was appointed last month to conduct the review with support from a group of experts and stakeholders, including senior human rights lawyers.

The terms of reference have now been published and include the Police Ombudsman and the Policing Board, with the possibility of “other professions or groups” being included with the agreement of the PSNI chief constable.

Mr McCullough said: “I have been assured that I will be afforded full access to PSNI records and serving personnel to facilitate the review, as reflected by the terms of reference.

“Any former PSNI personnel are permitted and encouraged by the chief constable to engage fully with my review.”

A call for evidence has been launched with a deadline of 5pm on Friday 18 October 2024.

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