Rape crisis centre welcomes ‘trend of substantial sentences’

Rape crisis centre welcomes 'trend of substantial sentences'

Rachel Morrogh

Dublin Rape Crisis Centre has welcomed a “trend of substantial sentences being handed down for sexual crimes” following the sentencing of rapist Raymond Shorten.

Shorten will serve 30 years behind bars following the imposition yesterday of a 17-year sentence for raping two young women on two dates in 2022, which will run consecutively to a 13-year sentence handed down earlier in the week for his rape of a young child in 2012.

Rachel Morrogh, DRCC chief executive, said the total jail term “is effectively equivalent to a life sentence”.

“It is another significant sentence given by the courts in recent weeks to perpetrators of sexual offences and should give great hope to people going through the justice system that this most heinous crime will be punished by lengthy imprisonment,” she said.

“As well as being welcomed by victims of sexual violence, the sentence should also send a message of zero tolerance to perpetrators.

“In this particular case, Raymond Shorten abused the trust placed in him by two young women to get home safely and took advantage of the fact they were vulnerable. He compounded the trauma he caused by denying all charges and attempting to discredit his victims.

“From start to finish, Raymond Shorten’s actions were part of a playbook used by rapists. Abusing trust and taking advantage of an unequal power dynamic are well-worn tactics.

“The jury that found Raymond Shorten guilty in June clearly saw through these efforts and Mr. Justice Paul McDermott has driven home the seriousness of his crimes with the 17-year jail term announced today.”

Ms Morrogh added: “It is the hope of Dublin Rape Crisis Centre that the trend of substantial sentences being handed down for sexual crimes continues, and that this will encourage more victims to report to Gardai.

“Sadly, this country is not yet at a point where the elimination of sexual violence is in sight. Until that day comes, sexual crimes must be punished severely and that was certainly the case today.”

“We send wishes of healing and strength to the three young women who were attacked by Shorten and we thank them for speaking out.”

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