Repeal of Snooper’s Charter to be debated in Parliament as new act is met with fury

A petition demanding the repeal of the Investigatory Powers Act 2016 after it came into force this week has gained 144,000 signatures and must be debated in the UK Parliament.
Dubbed the Snooper’s Charter by its critics, the act allows the authorities to hack computers and phones and collect information en masse. While a judicial commissioner must sign off on any police requests the law has been described as “a death sentence for investigative journalism”.
Home Secretary Amber Rudd welcomed the legislation, saying it provides “substantial privacy protection”.
The act also requires that phone and internet companies retain everyone’s web browsing history for 12 months and that they grant the police, intelligence services and others access to this information.
The provisions on retaining web history will be in force before 31 December, the Home Office promised.
Ms Rudd said:“The Investigatory Powers Act is world-leading legislation, that provides unprecedented transparency and substantial privacy protection.
“The government is clear that, at a time of heightened security threat, it is essential our law enforcement and security and intelligence services have the power they need to keep people safe. The internet presents new opportunities for terrorists and we must ensure we have the capabilities to confront this challenge. But it is also right that these powers are subject to strict safeguards and rigorous oversight.”
Jim Killock, executive director of the Open Rights Group, responded by saying: “She is right, it is one of the most extreme surveillance laws ever passed in a democracy. The IP Act will have an impact that goes beyond the UK’s shores. It is likely that other countries, including authoritarian regimes with poor human rights records, will use this law to justify their own intrusive surveillance powers.”
He added: “Now that the bill has passed, there is renewed concern about the extent of the powers that will be given to the police and security agencies.
“In particular, people appear to be worried about new powers that mean our web browsing activity can be collected by internet service providers and viewed by the police and a whole range of government departments. Parliament may choose to ignore calls for a debate but this could undermine public confidence in these intrusive powers.”
The European Court of Justice is due to hear a case brought Labour’s deputy leader, Tom Watson on the act. Its ruling may lead to repeal of certain sections or amendments.