UK: Responses sought on constitutional issues raised by pandemic

The House of Lords Constitution Committee is undertaking an inquiry into the constitutional issues raised by the Covid-19 pandemic. It is exploring the impact of the pandemic on:
- (a) the operation of the courts,
- (b) Parliament’s ability to function effectively, and
- (c) the use and scrutiny of emergency powers.
Calls for written evidence on the courts and Parliament strands of the inquiry have closed, and the committee is in the process of reviewing that evidence.
The committee now calls for evidence on the use and scrutiny of emergency powers during the Covid-19 pandemic.
The committee welcomes written submissions on any aspect of this topic, and particularly on the issues and questions set out below. You need not address all the questions in your submission. We welcome contributions from all interested individuals and organisations.
The deadline for submissions is Wednesday 18 November at 11.59pm. Click here to respond.