Rights commission launches online learning module for public servants

Sinéad Gibney
The Irish Human Rights and Equality Commission has launched a new online learning module to support public servants’ understanding of the human rights and equality obligations of their work.
The new e-learning module, which will be rolled out across the civil service, was formally launched at an event today by the minister for children, equality, disability, integration and youth, Roderic O’Gorman.
Mr O’Gorman said: “This e-learning module on equality and human rights in the public service, developed by the Commission, is a very welcome and much needed resource.
“It should be viewed as essential training for public sector staff at all levels. I would ask all public bodies to ensure that their staff undertake this training to support implementation of the public sector duty.”
Chief commissioner Sinéad Gibney said: “Access to training on equality and human rights across our public service is vital for creating the conditions for a fairer, more equal and inclusive society.
“I’m delighted that we have such strong support and leadership across government for this training to strengthen compliance with the public sector equality and human rights duty.
“Implementing the duty has an important role to play in enabling public bodies to respond positively to growing diversity in Irish society. It’s crucial that all groups in society feel understood and respected in their interactions with the State.
“The duty is an important framework to meet the State’s commitments to respect, protect and fulfil human rights and promote equality of opportunity and equality of outcome.”