Rights watchdog highlights ‘considerable challenges’ in Traveller accommodation

Rights watchdog highlights 'considerable challenges' in Traveller accommodation

The Irish Human Rights and Equality Commission has published accounts of seven local authority equality action plans that address issues arising in the provision of Traveller accommodation and services.

The accounts have been published alongside the Commission’s annual report, amid a warning from the Commission — which today celebrates its 10th anniversary — that considerable challenges remain for Travellers seeking to access accommodation services from their local authorities.

The seven local authorities, South Dublin (SDCC), Limerick City and County (LCC), Tipperary (TCC), Donegal (DCC), Mayo (MCC), Cork City (CCC) and Wicklow (WCC), now have prepared specific practical plans, together with follow-up recommendations from the Commission, to take action and improve provision of Traveller accommodation and services.

Commission member Lucy Michael said: “While the engagement by local authorities with the process was very welcome, it is evident that there continue to be considerable challenges for Travellers seeking to access accommodation services from local authorities.

“These challenges are directly linked to a continuing widespread failure across local authorities to provide culturally appropriate accommodation in a timely manner and to respond positively to Traveller culture and needs.

“The Commission invites local authorities to take into account the recommendations included in the accounts when implementing the Equality Action Plans.”

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