Rise in detention and deportation of EU citizens under scrutiny

Rise in detention and deportation of EU citizens under scrutiny

The UK’s increased detention and deportation of EU citizens from Britain is being examined by the European Commission, which has warned it will take “appropriate action” if necessary.

Enforced removals and detention of EU citizens have risen abruptly in the wake of the Brexit vote.

The EU’s Brexit negotiating team referred a complaint over the detention of EU nationals in Britain to the Commission’s Directorate General for Justice and Consumers.

A spokesman for the Commission confirmed the complaint was “being analysed” and that action would be taken against Britain if it was found to be flouting EU law.

Celia Clarke, director of the legal charity Bail for Immigration Detainees (BiD), said: “If other European countries were targeting British expats in this way, there would be justified outrage.”

“The warm sentiments expressed in the Prime Minister’s Florence speech are at odds with the actions of Home Office officials, who appear to be riding roughshod over EU citizens’ rights to free movement,” said Ms Clarke.

“The government has a callous disregard for EU nationals’ rights to live and work in the UK.”

BiD said EU citizens were being detained and deported for minor crimes including driving offences.

It added that many EU nationals had been removed from the UK before being allowed to bring a legal challenge.

Records show that 5,301 EU nationals were removed in the year ending June 2017, the highest since records began and a rise of 20 per cent on the previous 12 months.

A Home Office spokesperson said: “We have toughened our response to foreign nationals who abuse our hospitality by committing crimes in the UK.

“In addition, those who are encountered sleeping rough may not have a right to reside in the UK and be liable for removal. No one should come to the UK with the intention of sleeping rough.”

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