Robert Purcell obituary
Robert Purcell
An obituary of well-known criminal law solicitor Robert Purcell, who passed away in February, has been published by The Irish Times.
Mr Purcell, originally from Co Galway, was a partner at M.E. Hanahoe Solicitors.
The obituary states: “A champion for unpopular causes, he was a consistent advocate that a strong defence is the measure of a strong justice system. Robert built a reputation for defending the most challenging cases concerning the most troubling of accusations.
“He afforded the same level of respect and dignity to all those whom he represented, without consideration of background or history, and approached each case with diligence and professionalism regardless of the charges his clients faced.
“Compassionate and empathetic, he was particularly admired for the lengths he went to in comforting and assuring the families of the accused subjected to the stress and anxiety of having a loved one exposed to the criminal justice system.”
The full article can be found on The Irish Times’ website.