Roll of Practising Barristers
Roll of Practising Barristers
In June 2018 the LSRA commenced the establishment of the Roll of Practising Barristers as required under the Legal Services Regulation Act 2015.
The Roll of Practising Barristers is a register of all barristers entitled to provide legal services in the State.
Under section 134 (1) of the Legal Services Regulation Act 2015, every person who has been called to the Bar of Ireland and who intends to provide legal services as a barrister must apply to the Legal Services Regulatory Authority to have their name entered on the Roll.
Under section 136 of the Act, when commenced, it will be a criminal offence for a person to provide legal services as a practising barrister if their name and certain additional information is not on the Roll of Practising Barristers.
The application form for entry to the Roll can be found on the LSRA website at along with a number of guidance notes regarding the Roll and the application form itself. Applications should be submitted as soon as possible to facilitate entry on the Roll before the deadline of 29 December 2018.
Completed forms should be returned by email to or by post to:
Roll of Practising Barristers Unit,
Legal Services Regulatory Authority,
P.O. Box 12906,
Dublin 2.