Rosalind Carroll takes up CEO role at Personal Injuries Assessment Board

Rosalind Carroll
Rosalind Carroll has taken up the role of chief executive officer at the Personal Injuries Assessment Board (PIAB).
Previously the CEO of the Residential Tenancies Board (RTB) since 2016, she was appointed to the PIAB last year and took up the role with effect from 2 March 2020.
Ms Carroll said: “I am delighted to be appointed CEO of PIAB. PIAB is committed to delivering major benefits for society by dealing with personal injury claims fairly and at low cost, while curtailing claims costs which impact on the cost of insurance.
“The impact and value of PIAB is not just to the individual parties concerned, but our work also importantly has a wider impact on industry, business and society.
“We in PIAB have an important role to play in providing an alternative way of resolving claims which is fair to all parties, but with far lower costs. We also will continue to be a key contributor to reforms in the area, through the provision of transparent information and expertise and working constructively with all stakeholders.”
PIAB chairperson Dermot Divilly said: “I am delighted that Rosalind has joined the organisation as chief executive and I am very confident Rosalind will do an outstanding job for the organisation.
“Her experience will be invaluable in the important work ahead continuing the delivery of the essential services PIAB provides, and in driving and contributing to the reforms underway in the overall insurance sector.”