Roscommon courthouse to undergo works for two months

Roscommon Courthouse (Photo: Google Street View)
The 187-year-old Roscommon Courthouse is set to close for up to two months to allow for remedial works to be carried out.
A full refurbishment of the courthouse is planned in the medium-term under the Government’s National Development Plan 2018-2027, but the short-term repairs are expected to keep the existing building in use for longer.
Around €500,000 will be spent repairing the courthouse roof following the recent collapse of a ceiling a jury room, and around €450,000 will be spent on electrical works, Shannonside FM reports.
Roscommon-Galway TD Michael Fitzmaurice told Midwest Radio that the works could take up to two months and led calls for court sittings to stay in Roscommon during the works rather than being moved to neighbouring towns.
The Courts Service is currently looking for an alternative venue in the town for both District Court and Circuit Court sittings and held a consultation meeting with court users yesterday afternoon.