Scotland: Gay and bisexual men to receive pardons to ‘right historic wrong’

Scotland: Gay and bisexual men to receive pardons to 'right historic wrong'

Scotland’s First Minister Nicola Sturgeon is to apologise to gay and bisexual men convicted of sexual offences which have now been abolished.

Ms Sturgeon (pictured) will make a statement on 7 November when new legislation automatically pardoning those affected and removing the offences from their criminal records will be introduced.

A Scottish government spokesman said Ms Sturgeon would apologise to those convicted before 2001 under anti-gay laws for activity that is now legal.

He added: “The apology will be made on behalf of the Scottish government for the treatment of homosexual men under previous governments and will coincide with the introduction of legislation to provide people convicted under these laws an automatic pardon.

“The bill will right a historic wrong and give justice to those who found themselves unjustly criminalised simply because of who they loved.”

The legislation was announced a year ago by Justice Secretary Michael Matheson after similar legislation failed at Westminster.

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