Sligo solicitor Michelle McLoughlin to speak at women’s business event

Sligo solicitor Michelle McLoughlin to speak at women's business event

Michelle McLoughlin

Sligo solicitor Michelle McLoughlin is set to address the topic of business accountability at an upcoming meeting of women business leaders.

Ms McLoughlin is one of over a dozen speakers at the Women’s Inspire Network event in Donegal next Wednesday.

Her firm, M. McLoughlin & Co Solicitors, has assisted local businesses with their legal needs since it was established in 2009.

Ms McLoughlin told Donegal Woman: “I am a firm believer in networking and in assisting and supporting each other in business. I am a member of the Sligo Women in Business Network as a local support network for small business.

“I have a small group of other women business owners from a variety of backgrounds and we come together and support one another.

“Women’s Inspire Network offers a similar support in an online environment and the events are a great opportunity to physically meet friends developed online.”

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