Spy dogs bill to be put before Dáil

Spy dogs bill to be put before Dáil

Legislation to permit the use of body cameras by members of An Garda Síochána, including dogs, will be put before the Dáil this week.

The new law from Justice Minister Simon Harris, the Garda Síochána (Recording Devices) Bill 2022, will be taken at second stage by Mr Harris on Wednesday.

Video footage from dogs has been vital in search and rescue missions abroad and has proven valuable in intelligence-gathering.

The bill will also enable newly purchased garda aircraft to carry recording devices in order to address organised crime and to safeguard against other threats.

The bill stipulates that body-worn cameras must be visible on the clothing of the garda member and that a light must show when they are recording.

“Minister Harris is to seek strong support from across the House for this key piece of legislation, which protects frontline members of An Garda Síochána and helps them tackle crime,” a source said.

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