Taylor Wessing to launch in Dublin with focus on tech and life sciences

Shane Gleghorn
International law firm Taylor Wessing has announced plans to open its first office in Ireland to pursue tech and life science opportunities.
It is the latest international law firm to establish a base in Dublin, following Cadwalader, Hogan Lovells, Ashurts and Linklaters in the last two months alone.
Corporate partner James Goold and international co-head of life sciences and healthcare Alison Dennis will divide their attention between London and Dublin for an initial period.
The new office, which will be the firm’s 22nd office in Europe and 29th office worldwide, will initially operate from a co-working space. The firm added that it is “currently in discussions with legal experts in the market”.
Mr Goold, a member of the firm’s executive board, said: “Dublin is a thriving, dynamic city and the surrounding areas of Cork and Galway continue to be recognised as amongst the leading tech and innovation hubs in the world.
“Our strategic growth plans offer opportunities for us to support international technology and life sciences sector organisations with leading advice that will deliver continued success for their businesses.”
Managing partner Shane Gleghorn said: “Our strategy is focused on representing our clients in the major technology and life-science hubs and, therefore, it is a natural step for us to expand into Ireland with that focus in mind.”
The firm’s ambition is to be “the leading law firm in technology and life sciences sectors”.