TCD School of Law hosts prestigious Law and Religion Conference

Next month sees a prestigious and timely conference taking place in Dublin on the theme of “Law and Religion”.
The conference organisers explain: “Debates about law and religion have suffused politics for centuries and contemporary Irish society provides a rich context for a discussion of key issues in the field.
“A series of referenda on matters central to traditional Irish identity has re-calibrated popular religiosity, irrevocably changed attitudes towards institutional authority, and ushered in an awareness of the centrality of religious freedom in the vision of human rights.”
Trinity College Dublin’s School of Religions, Peace Studies and Theology and the School of Law, working with members from The Centre for Law and Religion, Cardiff Law School, will host the one-day inter-disciplinary conference on November 6 in the Long Room Hub.
They will debate a host of critical issues including: Religious freedom under the Irish Constitution. Human Rights and Islam, Patronage and Education,Blasphemy in Relation to Irish law, How the Judiciary have ‘Defined’ Religion, Changing Models of Church & State in Europe, The Right to Manifest Religion and Law as an Instrument of Ecumenism.
For more details and to book this free event, click here.