Single separation regime at Oberstown to be scrutinised in judicial review

Single separation regime at Oberstown to be scrutinised in judicial review

The holding of children in single separation at Oberstown Children Detention Campus is set to be scrutinised by the Irish courts for the second time in two years.

A 15-year-old boy who alleges that he was unlawfully held in solitary confinement has launched a judicial review in the High Court, The Times reports.

Counsel for the boy have pointed to a ruling by Ms Justice Úna Ní­ Raifeartaigh last year in which four young men held at Oberstown were found to have experienced a “limited” breach of their constitutional rights.

In the wake of the 2017 ruling, penal reform campaigners called for the introduction of a legal framework governing the holding of children in single separation.

The latest case will return to the High Court next month.

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