Temporary Christmas release granted to 138 prisoners

Some 138 prisoners have been granted varying periods of temporary release this Christmas.
Prisoners — typically nearing the end of their sentences — can be granted periods of release from a few hours up to seven nights under the Criminal Justice Act 1960.
The Irish Prison Service (IPS) has approved 138 applications for release for Christmas 2024, broadly in line with the 139 applications approved last year.
The numbers have risen slightly over the past five years from 113 in 2019, though were low in 2020 and 2021 due to the pandemic.
“In addition to compassionate and humane considerations, other criteria taken into account include the nature and gravity of the offence, length of sentence served to date, prior record on temporary release, behaviour while in custody and previous criminal history,” the IPS said.
It added: “All releases are subject to stringent conditions and any offender who breaks these conditions may be arrested and returned immediately to prison by the gardaí.”