NI: Trade unions call for Clare’s Law to be implemented in NI

The Northern Ireland Committee of the Irish Congress of Trade Unions (NIC-ICTU) has called for the implementation of a Domestic Violence Disclosure Scheme in Northern Ireland.
The move was backed unanimously by delegates at a conference in Derry yesterday.
ICTU equality officer Clare Moore, speaking after the conference, told Irish Legal News: “Over 200 delegates representing thousands of trade union members voted unanimously to support the motion calling for the implementation of a Domestic Violence Disclosure Scheme, also known as Clare’s Law, in Northern Ireland.
“Clare’s Law has been operating in other parts of the UK since 2012 so ICTU is pleased that the Department for Justice has finally brought forward proposals for similar legislation to be introduced in Northern Ireland.
“Following on from our conference, we will be calling on the Northern Ireland Executive to implement this law without delay. We will also make clear that a new Programme for Government must prioritise tackling the appalling instance of domestic violence in Northern Ireland.
“Resources must be allocated to protection, prevention and education.”