UCD Law Review welcomes submissions for Volume XXV

The UCD Law Review is now accepting submissions for its 25th volume.
The student-run peer-reviewed legal journal welcomes contributions on a broad range of contemporary legal issues, in particular articles pertaining to Irish and European law, though articles relating to wider concepts of international law are also welcomed.
The criteria to which selectors will have regard in evaluating an article include its originality, topicality, strength of argument, structure and style.
The early bird deadline for submissions is Friday 14 February 2025 and the final deadline is Friday 18 April 2025. The editorial board may allow for reasonable extensions beyond the selected date upon receiving prior notice.
Articles should be submitted in word format to ucdlawreviewsubmissions@ucd.ie and may range in length between 5,000 and 10,000 words (excluding footnotes).
Book reviews of a maximum of 1,000 words (excluding footnotes) will also be considered for publication. The book reviewed must have been recently published and be written by an academic, practitioner or commentator who has expertise in legal matters.
The journal’s selection process is entirely anonymous, so no indications of identity should be included in an article or book review.
The UCD Law Review welcomes shorter articles on recent cases or topical legal issues for submission to its online companion publication, the Sutherland Symposium, which has its own submission guidelines.
More information can be found on the UCD Law Review’s website.