Views sought on cyber security industrial strategy

The National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC) is seeking views from interested parties on what measures should be taken to boost Ireland’s cyber security sector as part of a cyber security industrial strategy.
The National Cyber Security Strategy 2019-2024 Mid-Term Review set out a number of new measures to continue the development of relevant cyber skills to fill skills gaps and support the potential growth of the cyber-security industry in Ireland.
A priority action arising from the mid-term review is the development of a whole-of-government cyber security industrial strategy to support Ireland’s cyber security industry to achieve its potential. The NCSC established an advisory group, comprising of key government departments and agencies, to oversee this project.
As part of this project, a consultation process running until 26 April 2024 invites views and experiences on cyber security to help identify areas that should be included for consideration in the new strategy.
The consultation document highlights three key themes — skills, research and innovation, and the indigenous industry — while also taking into consideration recent developments at national and EU level in relation to cyber security legislation and policy.