West Cork solicitor brings home the bread

Liz Murphy
Liz Murphy

West Cork solicitor Liz Murphy has made an unexpected career turn with the news that her own brand of low-carbohydrate bread will be manufactured and sold by her local supermarket.

Ms Murphy, a solicitor in the tax team at Wolfe & Co. Solicitors, told the Southern Star she came up with the recipe in a bid to lose weight.

She said: “Like a lot of people, I discovered that carbohydrates were the main culprit for my weight gain.

“I started looking more carefully at what I was eating, but I quickly realised that the carb I’d miss most in an on-going low-carb diet was bread, so I went online looking for a decent recipe to make my own.

“Those breads left a lot to be desired, so I started making it myself, using a combination of different recipes, until I had what I considered was the basis for a satisfying low-carb loaf.

“My friend, Declan Ryan of Arbutus Breads, was kind enough to taste the bread in the various stages of production and offer his opinion, which was most helpful in creating the end product.”

The finished product has 4.9g of carbohydrates per loaf, is grain-free and gluten-free, has no preservatives, no yeast, is low in sugar and is high in Omega 3, fibre and protein.

Ms Murphy subsequently persuaded John Field, owner of the SuperValu in Skibberreen, to produce and sell her unique bread.

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