The High Court has upheld a decision of the minister for social protection concerning the suspension of disability allowance of a former prisoner, and has refused to strike down s.210(1) of the Social Welfare Consolidation Act 2005 as unconstitutional. Delivering judgment for the High Court, Ms Just
Gillian O'Hanlon BL
The High Court has refused the trial of a preliminary issue as to whether the exercise of the executive power concerning external security and external relations was justiciable by the courts. Delivering an ex tempore judgment for the High Court, Mr Justice Brian Cregan considered inter alia that th
The High Court has determined on a habeas corpus application that both the application form and admission order for the involuntary detention of the applicant were deficient and that the respondent could not "mend its hand" after the fact. Delivering an ex tempore judgment for the High Court, Mr Jus
Northern Ireland’s High Court has confirmed that it can issue letters of request for documentation to a foreign court by reference to the Evidence (Proceedings in Other Jurisdictions) Act 1975. Delivering judgment for the High Court, Mr Justice Adrian Colton determined that as the Judicature (
The High Court has determined that Revenue and the Tax Appeals Commission erred in determining that debt forgiveness granted to a company should be treated as a trade receipt pursuant to s.87(1) of the Taxes Consolidation Act 1997. Delivering judgment for the High Court, Mr Justice Oisín Quin
The High Court has determined that there is no entitlement arising from EU law permitting the child of a migrant worker who has exercised their right of free movement to apply for Irish child benefit in their own capacity. Delivering judgment for the High Court, Ms Justice Marguerite Bolger confirme
The High Court has determined that express authorisation from local authority elected members must be given to the authority's chief executive prior to taking any step to prepare for and/or to conduct litigation relating to the manner in which they have exercised or performed their reserved function
The High Court has determined that a plaintiff’s claim against Alstom Transport Ireland Ltd is not statute-barred despite her former solicitors having initially identified the company in a pre-litigation letter in 2018. Delivering judgment for the High Court, Mr Justice Anthony Barr confirmed
Court of Appeal: Appeal by sanctioned Russian aircraft lessor ‘JSC’ dismissed at preliminary hearing
The Court of Appeal has dismissed an appeal by Joint Stock Company from a High Court order declaring void pledge agreements it made with Irish subsidiariesDelivering judgment for the Court of Appeal, Mr Justice Seamus Noonan condemned the appeal at a preliminary hearing of objections raised by th
The High Court has dismissed Reddit's challenge to a decision of Coimisiún na Meán designating it as a video-sharing platform pursuant to the Broadcasting Act 2009 (as amended). Delivering judgment for the High Court, Ms Justice Siobhán Phelan considered that the respondent had
The High Court has quashed the decision of the Standards in Public Office Commission (SIPO) declining to investigate the leak of confidential documents by Leo Varadkar based on its failure to provide adequate reasons for its decision, and has remitted the matter to the Commission for re-consideratio
The Supreme Court has dismissed former Rehab CEO Angela Kerins’ appeal against High Court’s refusal of discovery of Dáil documents and correspondence. Delivering the leading judgment for the Supreme Court, Chief Justice Donal O’Donnell noted that "however framed, the claim i
Northern Ireland’s Crown Court of Derry has given three women suspended sentences for perverting the course of justice and withholding information in respect of the circumstances surrounding showjumper Katie Simpson’s death. Delivering judgment for the Crown Court of Derry, HHJ Neil Raff
The Supreme Court has quashed Gary McAreavey’s conviction for offences pursuant to s.7(2) and (4) of the Criminal Law Act 1997, providing significant clarity in respect of the law of accessorial liability. Delivering judgment for the Supreme Court, Mr Justice Maurice Collins determined that &l
The Supreme Court has dismissed an appeal in an attempted murder case concerning the admission of mobile phone traffic and location data into evidence by the Special Criminal Court. Delivering judgment for the Supreme Court, Mr Justice Maurice Collins opined: “Making all due allowance for the